Terms of Service

Last updated: September 23, 2023


What is this?

This article outlines the terms you must abide by when using and consuming any services that regard Coined. These terms are subject to change at any time, without warning.

Our right to terminate service

Failure to abide by the terms outlined below may result in denial of service and usage of the bot. We reserve the right to terminate service at any time, for any reason, without warning.

Implicit agreement

By using Coined and its services, you agree to abide by the terms outlined below and understand that failure to do so may result in termination of service, as outlined above.



You may not use the bot for any of the following:


You may not use any external form of automation, including but not limited to:

Our built-in automation features, such as the macro command, are exempt from this rule.

Spam and Abuse

You may not overwhelm the bot with requests. By "requests", we mean any form of interaction with the bot, including but not limited to:

Monetary Gain

You may not use the bot for any form of monetary gain, including but not limited to:


You may not conduct or facilitate any form of scam. Any form of scamming others is strictly prohibited, with or without the bot. We will enforce proper consequences for any scams that occur within our services.

Alternate Accounts

Alternate accounts are allowed under a strict set of guidelines: