Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 23, 2023


Our privacy policy will inform you as to how we collect, use, store, and disclose information about you that we obtain through your use of our service. This privacy policy applies to information we collect through our website and service, and in electronic messages between you and our service.

This privacy policy does not apply to any other website or service, including any website or service operated by a third party, including any services that we integrate with our service.


All terms referenced in this privacy policy shall have the same definitions as in our terms of service.

Information we Collect

User Information

We collect the following information from you when you use our service:

Guild Information

We collect the following information from your guild (Discord server) when you add our bot to your guild:

Logged Information

For security purposes only, we additionally log minimal information about your guild when Coined is added to your guild:

As stated, this information is only used for security purposes and is not shared with any third party. This information is never stored on Coined's backend servers.

How this Information is Used

How this Information is Shared

We do not disclose any of your information with any third party. It is kept confidential to the developers of this service (jay3332).

How we Protect your Information

Coined is an open-source bot, allowing security issues to be discovered faster. All data, authentication, authorization keys, passwords, and other private information are secured through forms of encryption, strong passwords/MFA, or the need to be a root user on the devices where we host and serve our services.

How you can Access and Control your Information

You may request to view or delete your information at any time by contacting us through our support server.

Opting out of further Data Collection

We will opt you out of further data collection upon request through our support server, linked above. Upon opting out, you understand that our services may not work as intended for you. You may opt back in at any time.


Coined is an open-source bot; if you have any privacy or security concerns regarding Coined, you can view the source code by clicking here.